Singing Guide: Norman Wisdom

Singing Guide: Norman Wisdom

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Norman Wisdom, the British stage and screen icon, was famous for his comedic roles in beloved films like "The Bulldog Breed," "Man of the Moment," and "Trouble in Store." But did you know that he was also an accomplished singer? His unique vocal technique emphasized a high, nasal voice that perfectly complemented his comedic timing and physical comedy.

If you're interested in learning to sing like Norman Wisdom, there are a few key elements to work on. Firstly, work on developing your nasal resonance, which will give your voice that characteristic brightness and clarity. This article on resonance in singing is a great resource to get started.

Breathing also plays a crucial role in developing the controlled delivery of each line. This breath support article will give you the tools to achieve a more powerful and controlled vocal performance.

Norman Wisdom's song selection featured jaunty and upbeat numbers like "Don't Laugh At Me" and "The Wisdom of a Fool." Such songs are a great starting point to develop your range and control. You can try out the vocal range test to determine your vocal range and then search for similar songs in your range using our song search tool.

When it comes to articulation, it's essential to be mindful of how your mouth and throat are positioned. One key component is maintaining an open mouth and throat, which you can learn more about in this article on open mouth and throat singing.

If you want to develop more contemporary vocal techniques, check out this article on heavy modal, twang, and belting techniques which are becoming increasingly popular in pop and rock music.

Finally, we recommend taking our singing course which provides a comprehensive introduction to basic singing theory and practical tips to improve your singing.

To sum it up, to learn to sing like Norman Wisdom:

  • Work on developing your nasal resonance
  • Practice breath support and control
  • Listen and learn from his songs
  • Develop an open mouth and throat
  • Consider more contemporary vocal techniques
  • Take our singing course to get a more comprehensive musical education

Here at Singing Carrots, we hope this guide will help you develop your singing skills and find your inner Norman Wisdom!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.